Navionics charts
PC Plotter
is designed to use Navionics vector charts. PC Plotter can use the following Navionics charts:
- Navionics+
- GoldĀ
- SonarCharts
- Platinum and Platinum+ (not able to show 3D data or guides at present)
- Hotmaps
- Hotmaps+
Each chart Area will hold ALL the information that has been collected for the area, and PC Plotter will automatically select the appropriate information for the zoom level selected. (zoom in more - more detail will appear if available). Navionics vector charts are based on original Hydrographic Office data appropriate for the area, and include payment of royalties to the Hydrographic Office(s). Navionics vector charts can be used through out the world, and are being continuously updated and improved.
For advice on what to buy and great prices go to
Yachting Software